Why Do You Need To Track Your Sex Activities?

Sex health is an essential part of your overall health. It is deeply connected to our identity, as sex health determines how we feel and express our sexuality, especially in the LGBTQ community. When you are in good sexual health, you have better chances of living a happy life, and avoiding depression and cognitive problems. Sex tracking, or sex activity tracking, is very crucial to public health, as it helps control STI or STD spreading by monitoring and informing close contacts. This app is especially helpful for gay, bisexual, and other men or trans people who have sex with men, and who have had more than 1 sexual partner. As we are going through the monkeypox epidemic, this would help individuals to inform any partners at risk and reduce the spreading of monkeypox. This app is also focused on HIV prevention, as the PrEP and TasP (Treatment as prevention)/ART(Antiretroviral Therapy) reminders would help users to take medications on time.

Why using HookBook?

Manage your sex life with HookBook, the app designed for you to enjoy better sexual health:

- Use HookBook as a secure sex tracker and personal journal.

- Add health screening history and set reminders for regular screenings for Monkeypox, HIV, and all other STI / STDs.

- Set PrEP reminder or TasP/ART(Antiretroviral Therapy) reminder for HIV prevention.

- Log activities and detailed information including location, partners, protection usage, and more.

- Manage your partners and their information, including pictures and videos using the partner album.

- Know your sex activity frequency, body count, and get insights of your sex health

- Log your PrEP history in a calendar view.

- Compare your PrEP usage with sex history and protection status in case of any STI /STD exposure.

- Perfect for sex tracking and health monitoring, especially for people who are at high risk of STIs or STDs.
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